Monday, January 16, 2012

Serious Sam 3: BFE Review (as of yet)

I've been playing through the wonderful first person survival shooter, Serious Sam 3: BFE. Here is what I've been thinking about it so far.

Story: Hard to explain. Sam goes to Egypt for some scientists with his army buddies, when their plane crashes due to aliens invading Cairo. Hi-jinks insue. Don't want to give away too much. It's a prequel to Serious Sam: The First Encounter, so if you wanted to play through the series, it would be in this order.

Serious Sam 3: BFE
Serious Sam: The First/Second Encounter
Serious Sam 2

Result: 6/10 (Kind of forgettable, but it gives an excuse of blowing s*** up.)

Gameplay/Difficulty: GODDAMN THIS GAME IS TOUGH. With a variety of enemies (such as headless kamikaze bombers who yell WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH while chasing you, and skeleton horses), a standard health system of picking up items to increase health, and no regeneration, this game gets really tough, but exhilarating when you are down to 25 HP, with no armor, with an army in front of you. The guns are fun to use, although shotguns are overpowered, and it's just a blast to plow through everything in sight. For added difficulty, pirate the game. (I do not endorse pirating). The pirated edition adds a invincible, quick as the speed of light, hurts-like-a-mofo PINK scorpion enemy. "Oooh. My pride ;_;" On normal, this game is hard. Oh, by the way, they will throw armies and hordes of baddies, I wasn't kidding. You will love that FPS's have incorporated back-strafing.

Score: 8/10 (Masochists need only apply).

Variety: It's the name of the game here, figuratively. You have a co-op campaign, a multiplayer deathmatch which is kinda of imbalanced (more later), a survival mode, and a version that can played modded.

Score: 9/10 (So much fun to be had).

Multiplayer: Do not want. I would stay away from this. Only 4 maps, all poorly designed, and with SS3's weapons (which are designed to help blast through waves and waves of mobs), it generally is a hardcore version of CoD's hardcore or Battlefield's multiplayer. You die, respawn, die, respawn, etc. S

Score: 3 (Needs a lot of balancing, some fun can be had, if you are insta-gibbed.)

Music: My ears. They came.

Score: 10/10 (Perfect mix between orchestra and heavy metal. Fits perfectly)

Final Score: 7/10
This game is a ton of fun, and with a survival mode (with leaderboards!) and a 16 person co-op campaign, plus rocking tunes, this game would be a must-buy if not for the slightly-forgettable story, and atrocious multiplayer (which can be SOME fun)


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