Friday, January 20, 2012

The Republicans have already Fucked up the 2012 elections

Newt, the Anti-Christ
At the start of the presidential campaign, most Republicans were hoping for the big name stars to join the race, people like Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, Paul Ryan, and Jeb Bush.  Instead we were stuck with Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, the unknown Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney.  None of these candidates appear electable, and the one who is perhaps the most electable is Mitt Romney, but he is being ruthlessly being attacked Newt and others over the fact that HE IS WEALTHY.  This class warfare stuff was put out there almost deliberately because the demoncrats knew Obama would have nothing to run, so instead he would have to use Stalinist/Alinsky attacks by demonizing his Obama for being rich.  Amazing, and the fucking dumb ass Republicans, notably Newt Gingrich, played right into Obama's playbook by going after Romney for his career at Bain Capital!  Conservatives and the other "NO-Romney's" still haven't accepted the fact that Romney has the best chance at beating Obama,  I just don't understand it.  Ron Paul is nuts, nobody knows Rick Santorum, and AMERICA HATES NEWT GINGRICH!  Newt is NOT a conservative, yet conservatives want him over Mitt Romney.  Mind Boggling.   These are the same "tea party" people mind you, who decided to put up Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnel in 2010, and look how well that worked out...

If we want any chance of beating Obama, we have to rally behind Mitt Romney before Newt and the others destroy him.  This primary has gone on for too long and the candidates are ruthlessly going after each other.  Unless people decide to start a huge write-in campaign,  Mitt Romney is our best shot.  Unless conservatives realize this and Nominate HIM now, Obama will easily win re-election because the GOP candidates would have completely destroyed each other before they took on Obama.  People need to get behind Romney and start defending against the Class Warfare claims put against him.  We also need to turn our attentions to the economy, jobs, and Spending.  Those issues gave us the House in 2010, and they will give us the White House in 2012 if we again make them the primary issues.  Obviously Mittens has problems like Romneycare and the fact that he doesn't defend himself well enough.  But he is more conservative than most people think and he has the best shot at beating Obama.  America will not survive another four years of Obama, so we cannot afford to nominate Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum*.  The NO Romneys must become the YES Romney's soon, or else we will have no candidate to put up against Barack Obama.

*Ron Paul could probably beat Obama, but I doubt he will be nominated...

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