Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Plan To Restore America": Not Bad

Ok, I was looking over Ron Paul's "Plan to Restore America" on his campaign website, and was impressed.  The plan, notably, does not gut defense (as much) as commentators have openly feared.  The plan basically cuts funding for the wars and brings down defense spending to $501 Billion, with most of the savings coming from cutting our overseas expenditures.  The plan also gets rid of the Departments of Energy, Interior, Commerce, Education, and Housing and Urban Development.  It also gets rid of the Estate Tax, the Obamacare taxes, and the Capital Gains/ Dividends tax, while dropping the corporate tax rate to 15%.  Honestly, I like this plan, but will this plan ever pass if Ron Paul became president?  I hope it does, but considering the reaction we got when we tried to cut Planned Parenthood, it's definitely going to be hard to eliminate those sections of government.

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