Friday, January 13, 2012

Review: Fallout New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas
is one of the best games ever made.  Yes, I said best and ever in the same sentence, and it's true, Fallout: New Vegas is simply a magnificent game.  The game takes place in the post-apocalyptic Mojave Wasteland and focuses heavily on the city of New Vegas, which was not particularly damaged by the nuclear war that occurred in the Fallout Universe in 2077.  The game starts with a bang, literally, as you, the player character known as the Courier, is shot in the head by unknown assailant while you were delivering a mysterious package.  You somehow survive, waking up next to a caring doctor, who basically saved your life.  From there, you basically create your character and select few perks, then you're off into the wastes!  The Mojave Wasteland is HUGE and there a ton of things you can do as you explore the vast expenses of the wasteland.  You can complete quests, search for neat loot, and blow the fucking brains out of super mutants.  The gameplay is similar to Fallout 3, although the game features a much improved companion system and improved weapon mechanics such as iron sights.  The gameplay is relatively simple and its just really fucking fun to go around, zooming in with VATS, and watching a Fiend's head explode into a million different pieces.  The Mojave Wasteland is larger than the Capital Wasteland, there are more quests to complete, and there much more enemies to blow to pieces.  The game is simply a blast and you can easily put in hundreds of hours into the game.  While there really isn't a story to speak of, the game deals primarily with the conflict between the New California Republic (NCR), the mysterious Mr. House, and Caesar's Legion.  You can join sides with whoever you want or you can join forces with Yes Man, a robot who seeks to make New Vegas an independent city.  The ending of the game depends heavily on the actions that you made throughout the game and the fate of New Vegas rests on you.  One downside to New Vegas is that the graphics aren't exactly the best, but they do get the job done.  There are also a few bugs to contend with, but I've encountered few recently.  If you can look past the graphics, you'll find an absolutely wonderful game that you should buy immediately.  I also recommend that you should pick up all of the Downloadable Content (DLC) for the game, which add a ton of new content to the base game.



  1. The Mojave is void and boring compared to the capital wasteland. That was a big detriment to the game for me.

  2. The best game ever but 9.5/10?

    Just kidding, But serious, This game is pretty good. But not the best imo

  3. I think Fallout 3 is superior for a few reasons.

    1. The Capital Wasteland, while smaller in size, is packed with excitement and things to do. The desert, not so much. It doesn't even feel post-apocalyptic.

    2. The graphics in Fallout New Vegas aren't any better than Fallout 3, and 3 came out 2 years before it. That's a detriment in itself.

    3. Fallout 3 isn't as buggy and the loading screens are shorter.

    4. I personally thought the main quest in FO 3 was better.


    1. There are a ton of locations in New Vegas, but the majority of them are EMPTY with NOTHING to do. No items, no quests, nothing.

  4. In NV they removed the random encounter stuff, Its becoming more domesticized.

    I agree with "The Music Man"

    1. Yeah, I completely forgot about that. I loved the random encounters, like the one with Amata, after you leave the vault.
