Sunday, January 29, 2012

Holder Knew More than He Claimed

This article goes to show that Eric Holder is a lying piece of shit.  According to the Daily Caller,
Burke forwarded those two emails to Holder’s then-deputy chief of staff Monty Wilkinson later that morning, adding that the incident was “not good” because it happened “18 miles w/in” the border.
Wilkinson responded to Burke shortly thereafter and said the incident was “tragic.” “I’ve alerted the AG [Holder], the Acting DAG, Lisa, etc.”
Then, later that day, Burke followed up with Wilkinson after Burke discovered from officials whose names are redacted that the guns used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious. “The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.
Wow, but of course, despite being informed that Fast and Furious guns were used in the murder of Brian Terry on the DAY of his murder, Eric Holder knew nothing about it:
Holder has faced difficult questions surrounding the question of when he was first informed of the gunwalking program. He testified in Congress that he had only learned of Fast and Furious a “few weeks” before a May 3, 2011, House Judiciary Committee appearance.Holder has since walked back that “few weeks” comment, amending it to more of a “couple months.”
Simply amazing, he's not even that good of a liar, yet he still got away from perjury charges.  Four more years of Obama will only mean four more years of bullshit like this.

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